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Our Team Covenant

In Church Unique, Will Mancini observes,

“Collaboration is lost to sideways energy every day in the local church. Why? The three reasons I see most are mistrust, personal ego, and lack of strategic clarity…Leaders rarely clarify what working together really looks like.”

I am so proud of our team this year, because we decided to take action and create a team covenant to help us be clear on what matters most to us.

Team Covenant 

  1. We will extend grace to each other.
  2. We will honor up, down and all around.
  3. We will follow through with our commitments.
  4. We will agree to encourage, support and invest in each other personally and professionally.
  5. We will hold and respect all confidences.
  6. We will have honest and open discussion within the room and solidarity outside the room.
  7. We will go all-out to help each other win.
  8. Silence is agreement.
  9. We will have fun both on and off campus.
  10. We will show up on time and be prepared.
  11. No email or social media during meetings (except during breaks).
  12. Communicate often (e. personal, email, phone) and constantly ask “who needs to know.”
  13. We will fight for unity.
  14. We will pursue excellence and reject complacency.
  15. We will pray for each other and with each other.


Will Mancini, Church Unique: How Missional Leaders Cast Vision, Capture Culture, and Create Movement (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008), 54.

We exist to declare + demonstrate the gospel to everyone, everyday, everywhere.

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