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Strong to the finish!

We have seen an incredible year here at Calvary Church. God’s favor has been on blatant display even through the obstacles and challenges of 2016. We want to personally thank you for your commitment to the ministry of Calvary through your support and prayers.

Exciting new opportunities are ahead!  It is our desire to be faithful stewards with each and every opportunity God gives us to declare and demonstrate the Gospel to everyone, everyday, everywhere! From our ministries serving children to adults at multiple locations, we want to continue to equip you and others just like you. From local outreaches, to reaching people all around the world, we want to continue to take the love of Jesus further than we ever have before.

Today, we are asking you to prayerfully consider making a special year-end contribution to help finish 2016 strong and partner with us to charge ahead into 2017. One of the many ways we are charging ahead is the launch of our Dallas campus in the Bishop Arts District, where we are going to weekly Sunday services on January 8th.

Kim and I are excited about what the Lord has for you individually and for Calvary Church corporately.  We love and appreciate you. We believe 2017 will be a year of the unusual!  Thank you in advance for your support and we look forward to the unusual things God is going to do in your life and through this ministry in the days to come!

Click HERE to make a year-end gift today.


Your friends,

Ben and Kim Dailey

Lead Pastors  |  Calvary Church




We exist to declare + demonstrate the gospel to everyone, everyday, everywhere.

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